I'm a tech enthusiast and future developer. Feel free browse around and take a look at my projects. Learn more about me below or click the let's talk button to shoot me an email.
Let's TalkHi, I'm Richie. Born and raised in The Bronx, NY and currently living in Palm Desert California. I am currently participating in the Full Stack Web Development with MERN coding bootcamp from MIT xPro. I've always had an interest in coding and am excited to joining be the tech industry soon.
Feel free to have a look around, check out my recent work and contact me.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Reiciendis esse optio eius iure, porro autem incidunt libero quo odit sit voluptatum natus asperiores in temporibus architecto fugit eum hic et dolorem mollitia labore molestias? Nisi laboriosam voluptatum necessitatibus labore mollitia doloremque placeat minus, iusto error sapiente deserunt magnam corporis harum a veniam velit iste pariatur! Repellendus, quasi distinctio at adipisci voluptas illo. Porro asperiores alias, dolorem hic recusandae nostrum consequatur corrupti iure tempora eius deserunt itaque maiores commodi libero optio!
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt, voluptatem enim vitae culpa incidunt illum cupiditate repellat, aliquid iure ea atque autem voluptate! Recusandae quibusdam magni maxime nisi deleniti sequi iure ea, reiciendis repudiandae quidem doloremque incidunt, illum corrupti laudantium.
This is a project to create multiple pacmen images and make them move across the screen for MIT xPRO. Once they reach the bounds of the screen they should change direction. I added the chomping and flipping effects with the images provided. I also added a third button to delete the pacmen one at a time.
In the Real-Time Bus exercise we had to gather data from buses in Boston using a URL from MBTA. Once we acquired the coordinate information we picked one bus to add to a map with our access token on MapBox. I added multiple bus routes to track at the same time.
This project's foucus is on manipulating styles with JavaScript and CSS. When viewed in a browser, a webpage depicting two "eyes" is displayed. The "eyes" follow the movement of the mouse..
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Perspiciatis ducimus dignissimos obcaecati corrupti? Ullam, dolorum.